Elizabeth McElmurray, a 48-year-old American woman, tragically lost her life on the Sky Princess, a vessel owned by Princess Cruises, on December 21, 2024. The incident occurred while the ship was en route back to Florida, wrapping up an eight-day cruise around the Caribbean. McElmurray reportedly tried to leap overboard but fell onto a lower deck of the ship instead.
A spokesperson for Princess Cruises explained that crew members provided immediate emergency medical assistance. However, despite their best efforts, McElmurray could not be revived.
On December 15, the Sky Princess had embarked on an eight-day tour of the Caribbean, visiting popular spots such as Cozumel in Mexico, Ocho Rios in Jamaica, and the Grand Cayman Islands. The ship, which has been in operation since 2019, is capable of holding more than 3,600 passengers.
The ship’s crew informed passengers about the incident via overhead speakers, instructing them to stay in their cabins. Additionally, Princess Cruises has made counseling services available to passengers and crew members who have been affected by the tragic event.
A family member of McElmurray expressed gratitude towards the online community for their sensitivity and understanding during this difficult time. McElmurray was travelling with her family at the time of the incident.
Princess Cruises is fully cooperating with both local and federal authorities in their ongoing investigation into the circumstances of McElmurray’s death. A company representative extended their deepest condolences to McElmurray’s family and friends.
A Reddit user who witnessed the incident wrote, “My mom and cousin watched the whole thing. They were directly below us two floors down. Nobody ever came to question them. They are very traumatized by it.” The witness continued, recounting that McElmurray “hit everything on the way down” and that someone had held onto her arm momentarily before she jumped.
This tragic incident aligns with a rare, but not unheard of, occurrence in the cruise industry. A study found that between 2000 and 2019, there were 623 reported deaths on cruise ships, 89% of which were passengers. A significant 23% of these deaths were caused by falls overboard or onto lower decks, followed by suicide/murder/terror attacks at 19%, and cardiac incidents at 16%.
The death of McElmurray follows another incident involving Princess Cruises. A 72-year-old American man is believed to have fallen overboard from the Ruby Princess during a five-day voyage to Mexico. Despite extensive search efforts involving Coast Guard planes and helicopters, the man remains missing, and the search operation has since been suspended.