
Beloved Grandfather Beaten to Death in Park

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An 80-year-old man has died following an assault in a Leicester, England park, with police continuing to question a teenage suspect.

Bhim Sen Kohli was walking his dog in Franklin Park, Braunstone Town, near Leicester when a group of young people attacked him. The incident occurred around 6:30 p.m. on September 1, 2024, close to the park entrance on Bramble Way. Kohli was rushed to the hospital but died from his injuries the following day.

A post-mortem examination revealed that Kohli died as a result of a neck injury sustained during the attack. Leicestershire Police initially arrested five youngsters in connection with the incident – a boy and a girl aged 14, and one boy and two girls aged 12. However, four of the suspects have since been released without further action, leaving only the 14-year-old boy in custody.

Detective Inspector Emma Matts, who is leading the investigation, characterized the situation surrounding Kohli’s death as deeply distressing for his relatives, acquaintances, and the broader community. She explained that the police are actively supporting Kohli’s family through dedicated liaison officers. Additionally, local police units are present in the area to offer reassurance and address residents’ concerns or issues.

Kohli’s relatives issued an emotional tribute to honor the cherished grandfather. They described Bhim as a devoted spouse, father, grandfather, caring son, sibling, and uncle. The family emphasized his deep affection for his grandchildren and enjoyment of their company. They portrayed him as an exceptionally affectionate and nurturing individual whose life revolved around his family. 

His family described Kohli as an active and hard-working man, even at 80. One of his great passions was tending to his three allotments (gardens), which he visited daily. They also mentioned his love for walking the family dog, Rocky, in the park multiple times daily.

Kohli was a familiar figure in the neighborhood, having resided in the same Braunstone residence for four decades. His relatives conveyed their profound grief over his loss. They described experiencing utter heartbreak and explained that they are uniting as a family unit to provide mutual support during this exceptionally challenging period. The family also requested that their privacy be respected as they navigate through their mourning process.

Acquaintances and community members have been placing memorials at Kohli’s garden plot. A fellow gardener who shared the allotment space informed the local media about Kohli’s character and habits. This individual described Kohli as an amiable, compassionate, and mild-mannered person who held deep affection for both his family and his garden. The source highlighted Kohli’s dedication to his allotment, noting that he would often spend extensive periods tending to it, sometimes to the point where he would remain there even after his wife had prepared the evening meal at home.

Kohli had previously reported a group of youths to authorities for alleged anti-social behavior after reprimanding them for sitting on a neighbor’s garage roof during the summer. According to acquaintances, he faced verbal abuse and was spat upon, with police reportedly taking three days to record his statement. 

This incident was part of a broader pattern of disruptive behavior in the area, including an earlier attack where another resident was assaulted with rocks. Community members expressed concerns about persistent anti-social activities that left some inhabitants feeling threatened. 

Reports indicated that young individuals had been congregating near a shop adjacent to the park, vandalizing bus stops and a telephone booth, and hindering residents from entering the local convenience store. These ongoing issues have significantly impacted the community’s sense of safety and well-being.

The local community has been deeply affected by the incident. St Crispin’s Church, located on nearby Edward Avenue, opened its doors for anyone wishing to light a candle in memory of Kohli. The leader of Braunstone Council, Nick Brown, expressed his condolences and emphasized the need for the community to come together and support one another during this difficult time.

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