Richard Gere, the 75-year-old Hollywood actor renowned for “Pretty Woman” and “American Gigolo,” has traded his American life for a new beginning in Spain, marking one of the most significant transitions in his decades-long career. The move, finalized in November 2024, came after Gere and his wife Alejandra Silva sold their sprawling Connecticut estate for $10.75 million. The property sale represented the culmination of their long-planned relocation to Madrid, Spain, where Silva’s roots run deep.
“We are happier than ever,” Gere told Elle España in their first joint interview since the move. “She, because she is at home, and I because, if she is happy, I am happy.”
The couple’s love story began in 2014 in Italy, where they first met following Gere’s divorce from Carey Lowell. Their connection was immediate and profound, leading to their marriage in 2018. “We are like soulmates,” Silva, 41, shared. “We have the same values, we see the world in the same way, and from the first moment, we felt like we have known each other for a long time. And this only happens once, if it happens at all.” She added, “We were united by the karma of our past lives.”
Their blended family includes two of their young sons, Alexander, five, and James, four, and Silva’s 11-year-old son, Albert, from a previous marriage. Gere’s son Homer, 24, from his marriage to Lowell, remains in the United States pursuing his acting career.
The decision to relocate to Spain was not made impulsively, as it involved significant thought and planning. Gere acknowledged that his wife had devoted nearly seven years to living in the United States with him. In light of this, they decided it was only fair to spend the next phase of their lives in her home country, settling in Madrid.
Gere noted that the move was about balancing their family dynamics and providing a supportive environment for their children. He pointed out the importance of their bilingual education. He expressed confidence that living in Spain would allow them to fully develop their language skills and flourish in a culture that reflects part of their heritage.
The move to Spain also coincided with a shift in family dynamics following the passing of Silva’s grandmother about two years ago. Gere mentioned that his wife has naturally begun stepping into the role of the new grandmother for their extended family, humorously noting that she’s already planning Sunday lunches for what feels like 35 people.
While their personal life continues flourishing, the couple has also dedicated themselves to meaningful humanitarian work in their new home. They have both joined the board of the non-profit Hogar Sí, an organization focused on tackling homelessness in Spain. Silva emphasized that their primary motivation for relocating to Madrid is to support this cause, with a shared mission of ensuring that, within five years, no one in the country has to sleep on the streets.
Their daily life in Spain has settled into a harmonious and comfortable routine. Silva described Gere as a deeply devoted and attentive father who genuinely enjoys reading stories to their children. She acknowledged that their family moments might sound picture-perfect but emphasized that they genuinely reflect his parenting. While Gere doesn’t cook, Silva takes on that role, and in return, he often plays the guitar while she prepares meals.
During the interview, Gere also shared wisdom from his long-time spiritual mentor, recalling advice from the 14th Dalai Lama about the importance of kindness and its constant possibility. This principle seems to underpin their new life in Spain, where they carefully balance their family responsibilities with their ongoing commitment to humanitarian efforts.