
School Bus Plows Into Crowd, Killing 11

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A school bus in China’s Shandong province crashed into a crowd of people on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, resulting in the deaths of 11 individuals, including five students and six parents. The incident occurred outside the gates of a school in Tai’an city, where students and parents had gathered.

According to state media reports, the bus lost control and struck the group, causing significant casualties. Thirteen others were injured in the crash, with one person in critical condition. The bus was carrying students at the time of the incident.

Local authorities immediately detained the bus driver following the crash. An investigation is currently underway to determine the cause of the accident. While it remains unclear whether the incident was intentional, police are treating it seriously.

Images shared on social media showed adults tending to children in blood-stained clothing, lying on the road beside the large grey bus. Although the images were initially unverified, they were later confirmed to have been taken at the school in Shandong, where the crash occurred.

The incident happened just days after the start of the new academic year, amplifying the community’s grief. The crash in Tai’an city highlights the frequency of deadly traffic accidents in China. In July, a vehicle accident in Changsha led to eight deaths and several injuries.

Investigators have urged the public to refrain from speculation until all facts are known. The school where the incident occurred has suspended classes and is providing counseling services to students and staff affected by the tragedy.

Concerns about school safety, such as overcrowded buses and inadequately designed buildings, have been persistent issues in China. In 2017, a tragic incident occurred in Weihai, Shandong province, where a school bus crashed and caught fire in a tunnel, resulting in the deaths of 12 people, including 11 kindergarteners. The victims included the driver, six Chinese children, and five South Korean children. The cause of the crash, whether intentional or due to dangerous driving conditions, remains uncertain.

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